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Merino Wool for Summer

Most people think about Merino wool baby clothes as clothes for wet and cold months only, when you need to keep your little one dry and warm. But Merino wool is one of the best materials even for summer clothes too. It has cooling effect and maintains dryness. 

Warms while cold, cools while hot

Most people know that Merino wool warms very well. But it’s only one side. Another feature of the wool is helping in regulation of body temperature. The secret is in airy fibre structure, which creates isolating effect. It means that Merino wool baby clothing keeps warm during cold days and cools during hot ones. Airy fibres absorb some part of the moisture released from body; the other part evaporates due to air and body temperature. Thin Merino wool layer helps your baby to maintain comfort body temperature without sweating and freezing. 

Merino wool transports moisture 

Merino wool has a special property to absorb moisture without being wet. Moisture stays in wool fibres and evaporates directly from there not making clothes sticky and cold. Merino wool can absorb up to 33% of its weight staying dry on the surface. It makes Merino wool a wonderful material for our little ones.

Merino wool provides high UV protection

Due to the knitting technique, Merino wool provides better UV protection than cotton, silk or polyester. The explanation of this fact is in wool structure, which absorbs UV light, does not let it through the material. But at the same time, of course, Merino baby clothes should not be worn as the only protection from the sun. In summer thin Merino wool T-shirt could be a great addition to sunscreen and shadow.

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